cadCAD Masterclass: Ethereum Validator Economics
The first advanced-level cadCAD/radCAD online course, immersing students in a highly relevant, real-world dynamical systems research model. Developed in collaboration with the Ethereum Foundation Robust Incentives Group (RIG).
3hrs of HD video lecture
Course forum
6 course exams
Features new radCAD library
Practical Capstone Exercises
Curated reading list
Certificate of completion
Graduation surprise (planned)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this Masterclass for?
This course has two target audiences: Firstly, Ethereum researchers, validators and investors interested in using the open-source Ethereum Economic Model to generate actionable insights. Secondly, intermediate - advanced cadCAD students (System Engineers, Data Scientists, Data Economists, Software Engineers) taking their cadCAD Educational journey to an advanced level and getting immersed in a highly-relevant, real-world dynamical systems model.
Any prerequisites to be aware of?
None for Section 2 (Model Quick Start Guide). For the rest of the course: Intermediate to advanced Python skills (you’ll have to be able to read and understand Python syntax, else you’ll likely get lost quite quickly). Secondly, intermediate to advanced cadCAD skills (the course uses cadCAD-specific syntax in a modular manner. In order to not get lost, you should be familiar with how cadCAD works). Thirdly, solid Ethereum protocol knowledge (this course will make much more sense to you if you are already in a position to explain to a friend how proof-of-work Ethereum and proof-of-stake Ethereum work, and what their respective implications on the economic properties of the protocol are. See recommended resources in the reading list)
What will I have learned and be able to do by the end of the course?
You will have learnt a great deal: Firstly, upon successful completion of the course, you will have developed confident command over the Ethereum Economic Model and be in a position to run, parameterize, modify and extend it to fit your own research needs. Secondly, you will have expanded your modeling skills by the new radCAD library. Thirdly, you will have have gathered valuable methodological cadCAD/radCAD best practices used by professional engineers in complex simulation environments, such as the suggested cadCAD Standard Project Structure,
How long does it take to complete the course?
Overall, the course contains around 3 hours of video lectures. If you intend to complete the course certificate, we recommend to plan at least 15-20 hours end-to-end.
Is this a certificate course?
Yes! To unlock it, you must have successfully passed all 6 course exams. You can find the passing threshold and number of retries in the respective learning units, Please note that there are strictly no manual resets, so use your attempts wisely. You must also have completed all 6 section feedback forms as well as the final course evaluation form. The Masterclass Certificate is not easy to obtain, but we believe it will become known as a true indicator of cadCAD skill, and that Web 3 employers will take notice.
What's the planned graduation surprise?
It's a surprise and not confirmed yet. But you might want to try and be among the first successful graduates...
What course reviewers say
A comprehensive deep dive into an end-to-end workflow for simulating crypto-economic mechanisms, taught by leading token engineers in the industry. Kudos!
Jan Osolnik, Data Scientist, MakerDAO
This Masterclass is both fantastic to further and apply your cadCAD skills as well as to deep-dive into the economics of Ethereum. The open-source model this class revolves around is a great place to start your personal research journey. This class will teach you how to extend its logic yourself!
This masterclass is a cornerstone in open Web 3 and token engineering education. It underlines the importance of rigorous simulation of cryptoeconomic systems,
and showcases the power and versatility of the cadCAD and radCAD libraries.
cadCAD Edu is enabling a new kind of engineer: one able to design for and steward new cyber-physical realities. This Masterclass is another great contribution to this emerging discipline.
Clearly a must-have gem to learn about tokenomics modeling and simulation, to more effectively design token contracts. This ability will enable your dev team's decision-making exponentially.
Manish Pande, Datapreneur
Meet the Team
The squad behind the course
Jonathan Gabler
Producer & Content Director
Jonathan is a Web 3 entrepreneur with a passion for products users love, and kite surfing. He supported BlockScience in open-sourcing cadCAD, and initiated the first public cadCAD forum early 2019.
Benjamin Scholtz
Co-Producer & Instructor
Benjamin is a full-stack software developer, professional systems engineer, and the creator of radCAD. When he’s not hacking, he’s in the mountains and seas of Cape Town.
Vitor Marthendal
Vitor is a software developer, electrical engineering student, and cadCAD Hacks instructor. Besides engineering, long-distance runs and literature are his passions.